The agricultural industry has long used antibiotics to promote muscle mass in livestock. However, this practice increases susceptibility to antibiotic-resistant diseases and is expensive, toxic, and non-renewable.
Probiotics are live microorganisms that positively impact host health by:
Stimulating the host's microbiota,
Supporting the immune system,
Enhancing nutrient absorption by unleashing digestive enzymes.
Bacillus species serve as effective probiotics, offering an alternative to antibiotics in animals. They help restore microbiota diversity, improve resistance to pathogens, and enhance overall animal health and growth.
Bacillus Subtilis Group produces bioactive secondary metabolites with various properties, including:
Bacillus metabolites impact the semipermeable cell wall through enzymes that can break down this structure, which is absent in animals, ensuring the probiotics target only foreign organisms like fungi and bacteria.
The anti-pathogenic action of Bacillus metabolites also destroys evolutionary appendages such as biofilms, which protect against UV radiation, and colony formation.
Using Bacillus, which can survive in aerobic conditions, allows for replacing less effective lactic acid bacteria.
Bacillus Subtilis Group is known for biosynthesizing a wide array of natural products and for its natural genetic engineering competence. It is used as a biocontrol agent in agriculture to promote plant growth.